Autorin: Yvonne Heinen-FoudehEverything starts anew where everything invariably begins – along this cognition the IACDE had chosen the Italian capitol and couture metropolis for its International Convention this year. Over three days the International Association of Clothing Designers and Executives brought together more than 100 members from its cluster organizations throughout Europe, North America and Asia. – Yet another proof indeed today’s “IACDE Club”, originating from founding in 1910 in New York’s Madison Square Garden, fully copes with the transition process into modern times.
Rome end of September 2023: Fashion creators, pattern designers along with industry leaders, brand representors, suppliers – experts and enthusiasts from a total of 12 countries at Rome went into seclusion over three days to mutually learn from each other and discuss trending topics.
Sparkling as much as captivating the topical focus for this year’s international gathering had been on the galloping world of 3D technology and the core-topic of sustainability. Latest advancements and cutting-edge achievements within and for the industry had been shared via top-of-the-notch insights by presenters e.g. from Scott Sports Group, PWC Italia, Prima-Tech: Thus provided the basis to encourage and for all attendees to take away and back into their organizations applicable knowledge and inspiration on present and future possibilities to make responsible fashion become true – for the chances provided with contemporary eco-creativity.